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Mimzy Living Wholly

My journey to a whole life: body, mind, soul

Meet Mimzy

Planner, Pet Mom, Teacher

Firstly, let me say that I am NOT A professional. :) I am simply sharing my journey. Speaking honestly, this started as three separate journeys: a weight loss journey, a journey towards sustainable living, and a journey into self care. What I've realised over the past few years is that this is not one or the other, it is all these - together. Living wholly is about the things I'm dong to live a complete, whole life - healthy, sustainably, lively.


I am an avid reader, linguist, and animal lover. Currently I live with my partner and our brood of six animals (four cats and two dogs). They will likely feature in most of my pictures. 


I separated this site into three main areas: The Planning Mimzy, The Sustainably Healthy Mimzy, and Teaching 4ever Learning. They all focus on different areas of Living Wholly. I hope you enjoy!

Meet Amelia
Why Naturopathy

Living Wholly

Explore Below!


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The Planning Mimzy

The Sustainably Healthy Mimzy

Teaching 4ever Learning

Living Wholly Podcast

01.03 Am I Making a Difference?
01.02 First Steps
01.01 Welcome!
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